Or even the alphanumeric LCDs as we’ll see in the upcoming tutorials. The parallel IO ports can still be used to display your data in a more convenient way such as 7-segments display as we’ve discussed earlier in this course. Using the parallel IO ports is kind of inefficient way to do so as you’ll be unnecessarily using a whole bunch of IOs & still getting binary output which may not make that much of sense in many situations. Despite having your variables stored in the RAM, you still have no way to display them other than using the parallel/serial ports. However, in the Embedded-C programming, you just can’t do that. The process is as follows: A variable in the RAM of the PC is sent to the display device (screen) of the same computer. Quantity Component Name 1 PIC16F877A 1 Breadboard 1 Jumper Wires Pack 1 USB-TTL Converter 2 LEDs 2 330Ω Resistors 1 4MHz Crystal OSCillator 1 LM7805 Voltage Regulator 1 9v Battery or any Power Supply Source 1 PICkit3 (PIC Programmer)Īs you might have learned in the C-programming class/course, for inspecting (checking) the value of any variable in your program you’ll just pass it to the printf() function and it’ll get displayed on the console screen of your computer. We’ll develop the required firmware/software in order to configure the MCU for data transmission, and our PC for receiving & monitoring data respectively.

We’ll be using a serial USB-To-TTL converter module as we can’t just hook the RX/TX pins to the D+/D- pins of a USB Port. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to create a communication channel between your PC & the Microcontroller via UART serial port.

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